

Useful math functions

This library is a utility library for using math functions with ease (Ultra Fast) and (made to complement the Math in javascript)


npm install improved-math


const math = require("improved-math");

math.add(a:Number, b:Number)

returns the sum of the two numbers

const sum = math.add(2, 4) // 6

math.sub(a:Number, b:Number)

returns the difference of the two numbers

const difference = math.sub(2, 1) // 1

math.dist(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number)

returns the distance to point 1 and point 2

const distance = math.dist(1, 1, 2, 2); // 1.414213...


returns the area of the circle based on the radius given

const area = math.circle_area_radius(1); // 3.1415...


returns the circumference of the circle based on the radius

const circumference = math.circumference_radius(2); // 3.1415...

math.lerp(start:Number, end:Number, time:Number)

interpolates between the start and end based on the time

const position = math.lerp(0, 1, 0.25); // 0.25

math.random(min:Number, max:Number)

returns a random value between the min and the max

const random_value = math.random(0, 1); // 0 -> 1 ex. 0.2

math.new_vector(x:Number, y:Number)

creates a vector

const vector = math.new_vector(2, 2); // Vector { x: 2, y: 2 }
const vector_copy = vector.copy(); // Vector { x: 2, y: 2 }
vector.scale(2); // Vector { x: 4, y : 4 }
vector.add(math.new_vector(2, 4)); // Vector { x: 6, y: 8 }
vector.sub(math.new_vector(5, 7)); // Vector { x: 1, y:  1}
const distance = vector.dist(vector_copy); // 1.414213...


returns the value of the index from the fibonacci sequence

const value = math.fibonacci(1); // 1


returns a predictable random number based on the key

console.log(math.seed('key')); // Always 0.057609484...


returns a predictable random number generator based on the key

const rng = math.seed_rng('key');
console.log(rng()); // Always 0.05760948...
console.log(rng()); // Always 0.52797544...

math.round(number:Number, decimals:Number)

returns a rounded value, max precision is n decimals

const round = math.round(1.234567, 3); // 1.235, input_start:Number, input_end:Number, output_start:Number, output_end:Number)

returns the value mapped to the output dimensions (range mapping)

const val =, 0, 50, 0, 100); // 50


console.log(math.add(5, 4)); // 9
console.log(math.sub(4, 2)); // 2
console.log(math.dist(1, 1, 2, 1)); // 1
console.log(math.circle_area_radius(4)) // 50.24...